
Published On: Wed, Jan 9th, 2013’s 10 Most Influential People in Finance

The financial world is a dynamic and high risk environment at the best of times but during a financial crisis on the scale of the one we are currently enduring it is a minefield. One false move and the global economy could come crashing down like a house of cards. Some feel the global economy is on the up and there have been positive signs to back that argument up, while others feel that this crisis could last for another decade or more. Whatever the end result, we have built a list of our 10 most influential people in world finance today. It’s our belief that our rise (or fall) will be on the back of these people. Some set the tone of trading for the day with their comments, while others try to shape the markets future with their actions. Whatever their method of delivery, they drive our markets, profits and losses.

So, without further adieu…

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About the Author

- Gregory previously worked for a leading financial news publication and is now assistant news editor of