Fundamental Analysis & Market Sentiment Introduction

Fundamental Analysis, with respect to the FX market is the analysis of macroeconomic data and political events. This may be used to predict future price movements of a currency. Market sentiment is the general opinion of the market. The three opinions that a trader has are neutral bias, upside bias and downside bias. An upside bias is a bullish sentiment More...

Forex Fundamental News Strategies
Government news releases containing important national economic data can have major effects on the Forex market causing price to sometimes spike by hundreds of pips within a matter of minutes. The volatility produced More...

Reducing risk when using fundamental analysis
If you have already designed or attained a trading strategy then you would appreciate that adhering to its concepts for any length of time is difficult especially if you have not developed a powerful trading mindset. More...

Solving advanced forex problems using fundamental analysis
Soon after you have commenced your forex career, you will be advised that one of your best routes forward is to develop a trading strategy based on fundamental and technical analysis. After completing this task, More...

CFD trading and fundamental analysis
Short term CFD traders are not the most likely candidates to make use of fundamental analysis. One would normally find them glued to their laptops, analysing the latest share, commodity or currency prices and accompanying More...