Ultra ETF

An Ultra ETF is a type of Exchange Traded Fund that has within its balance sheet the use of leverage. This leverage is often times used to buy double even triple the amount of the NAV of the underlying securities held on the balance sheet of the ETF. The Ultra ETF will have nearly the same as 200% or 300% upward or downward movement as a similarly More...

Ultimate Oscillator
The Ultimate Oscillator is a technical indicator. It measures if a security is oversold or overbought in the market place. The Ultimate Oscillator builds in a number of time periods to its calculations (usually More...

U.S. Dollar Index – USDX
The US Dollar Index is the value of the US Dollar as measured against a trade-weighted basket of foreign currency. The index measures the upward and downward movement of the US Dollar in the currency market against More...

Triple Exponential Moving Average – TEMA
The Triple Exponential Moving Average is a technical indicator that uses the data from three exponential moving average timeframes at the same time. The TEMA is used by traders who are looking for buying and selling More...

Treasuries are the grouping of fixed income assets that are issued by the US Government. Treasuries are classified into Bills, Notes, and Bonds, depending upon the preset maturity date of the issuance. Bills are More...

Trade Signal
A Trade Signal is one of the many technical or fundamental indicators that are used by traders to determine the time to buy or sell a security. Trade signals are usually used in groups, as any one trade signal is More...

The 2% Rule
The 2% Rule is a trader’s risk management technique. With the 2% Rule, the trader will risk no more than 2% of his entire portfolio with any one position or trade. This risk limit goal is actually a loss limit More...

Support Level
A Support Level is the lower bound price point of a security in which the price could fall to, without falling further. As an example, if a stock’s price moves up and down over time, but fails to fall past a certain More...

Stop Order
A Stop Order is an automated trade that is intended to expire at a future date. A trader will enter in a Stop Order that will automatically sell his position in a security when a set price is reached. For example, More...

Spot Price
Spot Price refers to the price of a commodity in the cash market. For example, the Spot Price of Gold will be the price of one ounce of gold bought with a cash account or in an over the counter bullion dealer. More...