Short Squeeze

A Short Squeeze is the time when a security rises in value rapidly which then causes the short holders of the security to lose money quickly. For example, XYZ stock has risen 5% in the past week which has caused the short holders of XYZ stock to lose money at the same rate. During the short squeeze many short holders of XYZ stock will reverse their More...

Side Pocket
A Side Pocket is an internal accounting of a Hedge Fund that contains the assets of the fund that are deemed illiquid. Hedge funds can employ many types of investment and trading strategies including the buying More...

Sector ETF
A Sector ETF is a security that is structured like a mutual fund but is traded intraday like equity. A Sector ETF is comprised of multiple shares of stock from the same sector. In this way a Sector ETF offers More...

Reverse Gold ETF
A Reverse Gold ETF is a trading vehicle that has its price tied to the price of gold. The internal mechanisms of the ETF or Exchange Traded Fund are designed to move in an inverse direction as to the price of gold. More...

Relative Strength
Relative Strength is a trading technique in which the trader will buy an asset and continue to add to the position while the price of the asset continues to rise in value. With the Relative Strength trading strategy More...

Quadruple Witching
The term Quadruple Witching refers to the dates in which equities index options, equities index futures, equities options, and equities futures all expire on the same day. In the US equities options contracts end More...

Pyramiding is a trading strategy similar to the dollar cost averaging strategy of investing. With the Pyramiding strategy, a trader will have a pre-determined number of shares or contracts that he would like to More...

Put-Call Ratio
The Put-Call Ratio is a Technical Indicator that measures the bullishness or bearishness of the market. The two main components of the Put-Call Ratio are the trading volumes of the Put Options contracts and the More...

Put Option
A Put Option or Put is a derivatives contract that gives the buyer and holder of the contract the right, but not the obligation to sell an underlying stock, index, or future at a pre-set price at a pre-set time More...

Physical Delivery
Physical Delivery is a term used in options and futures trading in which the holder of a contract requests actual delivery of the underlying when the contract expires. For example, when trading Nickel futures, a More...